Polyvagal Theory

What is Polyvagal Theory?

“Polyvagal Theory emphasizes the role the autonomic nervous system –especially the vagus nerve– plays in regulating our health and behavior. Created and developed by Stephen Porges, PhD, the theory describes the physiological/psychological states which underlie our daily behavior as well as challenges related to our wellness and mental health. By applying Polyvagal Theory to our  personal lives as well as to disciplines such as medicine, education, and management, we can understand how safety, co-regulation, and connection are paramount to a healthy human experience.” – PIV, polyvagalinstitute.org


Polyvagal Theory Resources

PVI’s mission is “To optimize the human experience by creating a safe and connected world.” They have many wonderful videos and resources available on their website.


As a therapist, it is important to me to invest in my own professional and personal growth by continuing to pursue relevant certifications that help me serve my clients better.

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